Litigation includes what most people think of when they think of lawyers — going to court. Litigation isn’t just about presenting your case to a jury. It also includes evaluating the merits of a dispute. We will gather evidence, try to find alternative solutions, and decide whether filing a court case is the best move [..]
There are two common reasons people avoid lawyers. First, they think lawyers are always out to tell them what they can’t do. Second, they think lawyers are too expensive. The truth is that while we always advise clients to use caution and exercise proper due diligence before finalizing any transaction, we do it to help [..]
31610 Railroad Canyon Road
Canyon Lake, CA 92587
33 E. Huntington Drive
Arcadia, CA 91006
P: (626) 869-8787
© 2023 Law Office of Mark Abell. All Rights Reserved.